
31 Oct

Deconstruction is a bit of a buzzword in cooking and food circles. Not to be equated with molecular gastronomy, it can be simply explained as the breaking down into constituent parts and the putting back together in a new way – apply that to a recipe, a meal or a food and off you go. The idea has also been applied to various food photography projects with rather pleasing outcomes: Things Organised Neatly – as one tumblr puts it. I’ll give you an overview today and present each in the following days. Lets start with this lovely simply recognisable-ingredients version of Alexandra Korey‘s:


deconstructed bruschetta

Want a deconstructed tomato plant? Visit Austin Radcliffe’s tumblr to indulge in your OCD. It will likely remind you of Ursus Wehrli’s sorting sprees which we reported here. I think they should meet with the seriously obsessed Melissa Easton.


deconstructed tomato plant

Include the tomato in a typical English breakfast and deconstruct (in this case: organise neatly). Midday meal: mushroom soup? Seems there’s a unique term for this: knolling, meaning to arrange a defined set of objects (I’m thinking maths here) in parallel or at 90° angles as a method of organisation.


full English breakfast organised neatly


deconstructed roasted mushroom soup

In the next entries we’ll simplify a twelve-course meal and deconstruct some more recipes plus have some fun with a foodie agency.

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